Thursday, February 3

my brother Nick....

The Salty Dog in Hilton Head

Nick's Confirmation

Awesome hair!

Today, my brother did something great! He swore an oath to everyone in this country, he swore an oath to himself, and he swore an oath to God. Today, my brother was sworn in to the United States Army. Although feelings of excitement and pride run through me and the other members of our family, I must say, I also feel worried and nervous. As most everyone knows, this day in age is dangerous at home and abroad. My brother is smart, resourceful, and tricksy, attributes that will do him well, but it is not him I am worried about. It is all the crazies out there.

As much as I would like to keep Nick close, this is an amazing opportunity for him and I am so glad the door that he has been waiting for has finally opened up wide. He will undergo basic training and then he has chosen to become an Aviation Specialist. My hope for him is that he will be able to go to some amazing places, see what the world is and what it can be, and to be all that he can be, which is what he already is! A great brother, son, and human being!! All I have to say is that the pilots flying under his flight plans are lucky, because he will be great at it!

While Nick is away, I will be very sad not to take him on our "dates." And even though the last Harry Potter comes out in July and we will not be able cheer on Gryffindor together, I know when I see it I will be thinking of him! Nick, I want to tell you how much I love you and how great of a brother you are, things that I hope you already know. I am so very proud of you and cannot wait to hear all the tales of your success!

reenactment of our first date!

I am an army girl from here on out!!

Taking Nick to get his braces on!!


  1. I saw your mom last night and she told me what Nick was to do today. She had told me a couple of weeks ago what he was thinking about. I am so proud of him! I will be following his "adventure" and pulling for him all the way! PS I love reading your blog and hearing about your adventures as well!

  2. Hey There.. I also was with your mom last night...haha that lady gets around...we know how much you guys will miss him but we also know how much he will gain from this!..We are so very proud of his taking this next step toward his future..he will be in our thoughts and prayers daily....Luv you Megs :)
    and of course Gary and Nick!!!!

    Love The Connors

  3. I for one was NOT with your Mom Weds night, and I knew this was in the works but did NOT know it happened Thursday. Wow, way to go Nick, I know all the Spatharaos and his extended family (which of course includes me) will be cheering on his army career. Love, Mermis
