Tuesday, February 7

Books, books, books... and stitches

So, this winter I have tried to get back into recreational reading. With so many hobbies that require hand and eye it is hard to do them all in any timely manner, so I take turns. So, knitting took a back seat and here are my reviews:

My younger sister, Amanda, is quite interested in the agricultural movement towards local food communities and she had read a book called Animal, Vegetable, Miracle and was very much intrigued and inspired by it. So as a woman I adore and respect, I decided I would read it as well. I must say it was very educational, at times funny, and what a great journey this family went on. The book is basically about a family who decides to give up on "traditional" ways to feed a family i.e. convenience foods, fast foods, and processed foods and instead moves to an old family farm work the land and only eat what they can grow or buy from local farmers for an entire year. Along the way you will learn things about farming, fresh recipes, how to can foods, and all the family's triumphs and failures along the way. All in all, not your average story book, but worth the read! :)

Next on my list was Harry Potter and Deathly Hallows. As many of you know I am a raging Harry Potter fan, so it is with great embarrassment that I tell you until now I had not read the last of this great series. Although no excuse is truly worthy, I will attempt. Reading was never my thing growing up, so when the first Harry Potter book came out I never read it, same with all the following books. As the first book was made into movie is when I became a fan, and my love for the stories has grown with each new movie. As the final three movies were on their way, I decided it was time to start reading the books! However, as I had seen each movie prior to reading the book, I decided I would continue in this way until all the movies were out. This is why I am only just now reading the last book, because the last movie came out this past year. I won't go into a big "review" of this book because lets be serious, it was AWESOME!! Finishing the book just made it ever more sad to me     that the series is over.

Now I am reading a novel that is a #1 international best seller called Secret Daughter. I will admit that I am not very far along, but it seems very promising. Review to come once I finish.

The other day while at work, I received a text from Gary with a picture attached. The text reads simply "do I need stitches"

So although he was probably already on his way, I directed him to come to Civista (the hospital where I work) and told him he was probably need a tetanus shot and stitches. Low and behold he did get a tetanus shot as well as 7 stitches. He hit his head while working on the Jeep.

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