Wednesday, April 11

Crazy over the Hunger Games....

Ok, forget everything previously stated about the Hunger Games trilogy!! Suzanne Collins makes up for all the things she leaves out of the first book with Catching Fire, the second book of the set! OMG, I was hooked from the first page, so much so, that I finished the entire second book in a day (done only once before with Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas by James Patterson). When I finished the second book I didn't have the third to start so I made Gary go get it the next day (I had work otherwise I would have done it myself right after I finished the second) and when I got home from work to read it Gary HID it from me!! AAHHH!!! Since the second book ended on a cliff hanger much like the first, I was extremely anxious to start the third!! So after a brief hysterical scavenger hunt, I found the book and began to discover the character's fates! It took me about a week to finish the third and final book MockingJay due to some traveling and work. I was happy with the conclusion of the trilogy, but at the same time, very sad. It is hard to explain much more than that without giving the ending away to those who have not read it. SO GO READ THEM!!

And, although after reading the first book and seeing the movie I was totally "team Gale." I would like to officially change teams to "team Peeta!" Not that Gale did anything wrong, but you just can't pull against Peeta when you see how much he loves Katniss and everything he is willing to do to protect her! Sorry Gale!