Gary and I did not paint our bedroom this weekend. We did however, paint out guest bedroom. As indecisive as we are we have still not chosen a specific color for our own room. We are getting closer though. Since we already had some paint for this guest bedroom we went ahead with that.
Our friends from Gary's work came over last night to help us, Aaron and Emily! These are the same friends who helped us to move into the house. We promised them eventually we would have them over and they wouldn't have to work on the house, haha. Anyway, with four people working we got that thing knocked out in no time. Gary wet sanded the spackling (trick courtesy of Randy Spatharos), Aaron trimmed out the top of the walls with paint, and Emily and I painted the baseboards and rolled the walls! It was so fast, Gary and I would have taken over twice as long to get it done ourselves, so we are very grateful to them! While the boys finished up some detail work, Emily and I went downstairs to make dinner.
This morning, Gary and I went to finish up a little more detail painting and then we put everything back in the room. I say "everything" like there was a lot in there. This is not true, basically we put the bed back in. Haha, but while my sisters were here over Christmas break we did pick out some bedding, side tables (or plant holders), lamp shades for some old lamps, and some picture frames. So I was able to put all that out to "finish" the room. Of course, it still needs blinds/curtains and I haven't bought pillows for the shams or cases yet, but I must say it is looking pretty good.
Some of the pictures turned out pretty dark, but the green is actually a light light green called "Belle Grove Valley Fog" by Valspar. It is part of their National trust for Historic Preservation collection. The paint used in the kitchen was from the same collection. Anyway, that is neither here nor their. Hope you enjoy the pictures!
Sorry, no light bulb in the other lamp yet, haha. Lamps courtesy of Brandy McNeillie. Also, in hopes of saving money I bought "plant stands" as bedside tables. $15 vs. $50 (at least)
Gary would like to call this his "mint chocolate chip" room. ^