"What we have once enjoyed we can never lose,
all that we love becomes a part of us."
--Helen Keller
Today was filled with craziness! First thing this morning I had to head BACK to Baltimore (1.5hr one way), yes, I said BACK to Baltimore. I was there just two days ago, at the Maryland State Board of Nursing. Apparently, although claiming to participate in the multi-state compact, they are having difficulties processing my nursing license.
OK, so I have a record, what self respecting woman this day in age doesn't, right? You don't have to answer that. Either way, SC licensed me with no problems, shouldn't that mean that participants in the compact would do the same? I thought so too.
So back to my story, and long story short (as possible), I had to go to Baltimore ONCE to figure out what was wrong with the processing of my license. Now, this is assuming a lot, but when and office building provides a phone number, that means someone is on the other end to answer it right? Well that is something the MD board of nursing seems to be in disagreement with as well. In hopes of not having to go to Baltimore for the second time, I spent nearly every thirty minutes yesterday calling their office to check on this paperwork and not even once was the phone answered. Lunch break, Lunch hour, extended lunch hour.... no no no try day of lunch! So there I was heading BACK to Baltimore to make sure they received the paperwork needed to resume processing my license only to find myself explaining what I needed to a receptionist (poor lady, I suppose it isn't her fault) who has no idea what I need. So I wait in the office for an hour as she takes care of other people. Then, as if everyone in the office didn't have enough lunch the day before, she goes to lunch. WHAT? HELLO? So a new receptionist takes her place, woo hoo, so I go explain what I need again and luckily finally get somewhere. I verified my paperwork had be received! YAY, that is all I need, that, and now I need a drink!
So, my day went on. As promised, I made some pillows today with my sewing machine. OMG, it was so much faster than making the pillows from the summer.
Also, we had stir fry for dinner. Easy, one dish meals are my specialty! Cut up whatever vegetables you like, make them fun shapes. Make rice, cook vegetables and meat of choice, mix and serve. I used a "stir fry" seasoning packet from the store, no judging please. :)
Whatever tomorrow brings, I hope it is not a trip to Baltimore!
Until next time....
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