Tuesday, February 1

revolution: egypt

Cairo, Egypt has begun a revolution to better the lives of their families and children. Many Americans have begun to speculate on what this will mean for us in terms of Egypt continuing to be one of our allies, and Mubarak has already announced he will not run for office when elections come around in September. As always, political agendas will continue to unfold on both our side and theirs. Who knows if Mubarak will indeed step down before his term is up, as the Egyptian people are hoping, but from reading this article I hope it will be a peaceful transition for the people. They seem to have deep feelings on the issue and I found it truly amazing that they were able to get ONE MILLION people in Tahrir Square to protest without any forms of social media aiding in the congregation. This spark of revolution in Egypt will hopefully bring about great opportunity and more equality for the people to be able to do and become what they haven't been able to do and become in the past. I hope they will find what they are looking for in a new leader and that that person will realize the needs and desires of their people, for that is what anyone really wants in a leader, someone to be on their side when the weight of the world is upon them. Someone to support them, someone to truly lead them, not rule them.

follow the link to read the article:

Washington Post

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