Monday, July 11

shocks of parenting...

There comes a time in every parent's life where you just have to face the facts to realize your child (or puppy) is out of control! As the responsible parent, it is your job to make sure you do all you can to raise your child (or puppy) in a manner that is suitable to society's expectations. Using such parenting skills as leading by example, putting your child's needs above your own, and on an extreme occasion, tough love can all be helpful in your parenting endeavors.

Well, I have tried leading by example. I refrain from jumping on the counters, peeing on the floor, and biting other humans. So far Bentley has not caught on. Although he is doing very well with not peeing on the floor, which he is praised for. As a parent you should always praise your child (or puppy) for behaviors to which you approve and are proud of!

I have also tried putting his needs above my own. When it is my day off and I would like to sleep in but his internal alarm clock goes off at 4:30am, I reluctantly, but definitely get up to let him out! When he was (and still is) teething I make sure he has all the proper chew toys, including on occasion his favorite, my arm. This sacrifice has gone unnoticed to him, and he has failed to learn certain good behaviors as a thank you! As I am certain some children do. ;)

Which leads me to the last of previously mentioned parenting skills, tough love. Today, Bentley became the proud (or not so proud) owner of a "training collar." For those of you parents who don't believe in spanking your children (or puppy), please read no further, my post is no longer helpful to you! Now, for those of you who aren't aware, "training collar" is really just the politically correct term for SHOCK COLLAR. And this collar comes equipped with 10 "levels of correction." If you are dealing with children, this would be the equivalent of what degree of strength you are using to spank your child.

So far, Bentley is doing well with the collar. He seems to be responsive to tough love! Mostly the skill we are working on is jumping. Jumping on people, the counter, the couch. Now, for those of you dealing with some ADD/ADHD issues, this may help. It is best to teach only one quality/trait/skill at a time. Children (or mostly puppies) can really only pay attention to one thing at a time and correcting their every move is really more confusing and instructive!

Updates to follow... feel free to leave any parenting advice...

Here is a picture of my sweet sweet baby!

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