Wednesday, November 3

colorful kitchen...

So far in our home "renovation" there has been mostly prep work. Work that no matter how much you do or how long it takes, the room still looks the same: white and blank. Since purchasing our first home, we have begun work on the kitchen including taking down wallpaper, spackling all over, sanding, and priming the cabinets and walls. Finally, the day has come that we can PAINT! I have been looking at white walls for far too long!

The color we have chosen to paint the kitchen is called "Churchill Hotel Maple." Truthfully, it looks like skin. haha. The kitchen isn't finished by any means, but having some color on the walls makes it feel a lot closer! Here are some photos of the progress!

by the way... I know the color looks yellow from the pictures, but it isn't. It is just the lighting, it was getting dark so I used the spot lights. I will put of pictures during daylight soon!

until next time...

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